Cuban Voter Turnout Reaches 75.9 Percent

President Alina Balseiro announced the preliminary results of the elections for the renewal of the Cuban parliament held on March 26.
She confirmed that 6,164,876 out of 8,120,072 citizens went to the polls to exercise their political rights. That figure represents 75.92 percent of the electoral roll.
Counted with respect to the total votes cast, 90.3 percent of the votes were valid, 6.2 percent votes were cast blank, and 3.5 percent of the votes were invalid.
The CNE President also detailed that 72.1 percent of the citizens voted for all the candidates for the National Assembly and 27.9 percent of the citizens chose the candidates selectively.
Based on these results, the authorities confirmed that the Cubans validated 470 citizens who will become members of the National Assembly given that they exceeded the threshold of 50 percent of votes required to be elected as representatives.
The CEN president also remarked that the electoral process occurred without notable incidents and adhering to the procedures and laws.
On April 19, the new National Assembly is expected to meet to elect its directors, the Council of State, and the President and Vice President of the Republic.
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