Cuban President conveys his support and solidarity to CFK

Cuban President conveys his support and solidarity to CFK
Fecha de publicación: 
24 August 2022
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Havana, August 24 (RHC)- Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermúdez expressed his support and solidarity with Argentine Vice-President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.

On Twitter, the Cuban head of State affirmed that under merciless media harassment, the former President is again facing a politically motivated judicial process.

"Receive from Cuba all our solidarity, dear Cristina. You will overcome the challenge as you have done before. With truth and reason," Diaz Canel tweeted.

On Monday, the Prosecutor's Office requested 12 years in prison for Fernandez and perpetual disqualification from holding public office.

She is accused of illicit association and fraudulent administration of funds due to alleged irregularities in the concession of 51 public works during the administration of his husband, Nestor Kirchner (2003-2007) and her administration (2007-2015).

In her remarks from her office on National television on Tuesday, she denounced the judicial¡, political, and media persecution she is suffering.

This is not a trial against Cristina; it's a trial against Peronism.

"In today's farce that is lawfare in Latin America, when there are no more military parties, but there is a Judicial Party, they go one step further. Here it is not about stigmatizing or confusing popular governments with illicit associations. Now they protect those who really steal in the country", Fernandez de Kirchner pointed out from her office.

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