Cuban president begins working visits in Havana

Cuban president begins working visits in Havana
Fecha de publicación: 
30 January 2024
Imagen principal: 

Miguel Diaz-Canel, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and president of the country, began today a tour of this capital, as part of the working visits he has been making to the country's territories since the early days of January.

Together with Roberto Morales Ojeda, Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, the President arrived in the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo to exchange with the people and their leaders, informed the Presidency on X.

At the Las Guasimas Popular Council, he learned about the experience of producer Reynier Ceruto Rodriguez, who for nearly a year has been the usufructuary of land occupied by 19 covered farmhouses.

During the conversation, it was explained to the President that tomato, cucumber and chili bell pepper plantations are grown there by 13 workers with an average monthly salary of approximately 19,000 pesos.

These productions are destined to tourism, hospitals, schools and the community, the person in charge of the place added.

The head of state went to the Marfan Productive Pole, which belongs to the Youth Work Army (EJT by its Spanish acronym), where he checked the linking of the EJT with the micro, small and medium-sized enterprise JC Max, which produces irrigation systems, the only one of its kind in Cuba.
The head of state acknowledged the irrigation system produced by this private company, mainly with plastic materials.

The farm, as reported, has a little more than 37 hectares, where beans, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, yucca, tomato and corn for animal feed are planted.

At the Managua Polyclinic, which includes a maternity home, the President called for extending this initiative to other polyclinics in the country that have the necessary conditions.

The institution has a capacity for 30 pregnant women, and 15 of them are occupied, who receive first-hand all the care they need.

In a dialogue between the President and doctors and nurses of the Polyclinic, it was learned that more than 340 professionals have returned to work in the province, including 279 nurses, following the Government's decision to increase income in the sector.

As part of his tour, Diaz-Canel visited the municipality's Children's Home for Children without Family Care, where 10 children, from 1 to 7 years of age, receive full time care.

The President highlighted the work of this place that for 27 years has taken care of children in vulnerable situations.

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