Cuban Parliamentary Visit to Russia Boosts Bilateral Relations

Havana, Dec 1 (ACN) The president of the Cuban National Assembly of People’s Power (Parliament) Esteban Lazo Hernandez held talks in Moscow with Ivan Melnikov, vice-president of the Russian Communist Party and first vice-chair of the State Duma (lower chamber of parliament) as part of his official visit to Russia.
Lazo conveyed greetings from the leadership of Cuba’s Communist Party and thanked the stance of support and solidarity of Russia with the Cuban Revolution and against the US economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed against the Cuban people for over 60 years now.
The Cuban parliamentarian also stressed the stance maintained by the State Duma which has unanimously adopted a declaration against the US’s Cuba policy for over 25 years in a row.
“Our (Communist) Party gives special attention to strategies linked to the Russian Federation. I reiterate our willingness to keep strengthening our economic, commercial, financial and cooperation relations,” Lazo noted in his remarks.
Meanwhile, Ivan Melnikov ratified Russia’s support of Cuba and tackle other issues on the national and international agenda. He also reiterated his willingness to keep boosting interparliamentary and political links.
Estaban Lazo also held talks with Dmitry Chernyshenko, deputy prime minister and co-president of the Russian-Cuban Inter-governmental Commission. The two officials stressed both nations’ potential to keep deepening economic-commercial and scientific collaboration.
The top Cuban parliamentarian reiterated the significance of the 19th Session of the Cuba-Russia Intergovernmental Commission in Moscow and the excellent meeting with President Miguel Diaz-Canel, both recently held in Moscow.
Esteban Lazo also met with Dimitri Medvedev, vice-president of Russia’s Security Council. They both agreed that in the face of current challenges and sanctions, the two countries must strengthen economic relations and expand political dialog in the benefit of their peoples.
Lazo’s finally met with Russian Foreign Minister Serguei Lavrov. “We extended our gratitude for their rejection of the US blockade in numerous forums and at the UN General Assembly. We also thanked Russia for its rejection of the inclusion of my country in the spurious, illegal, and unilateral US list of countries who allegedly sponsor international terrorism,” Lazo noted.
Lazo and his delegation met an intense working agenda in Russia after the recent visit to that country by Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel.
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