Cuban Foreign Ministry rejects new U.S. aggression against Nicaragua


Cuban Foreign Ministry rejects new U.S. aggression against Nicaragua
Fecha de publicación: 
18 July 2022
Imagen principal: 

Havana, Jul 17 (RHC)-- The director general for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Cuban Foreign Ministry, Eugenio Martinez expressed Sunday his rejection of the recent U.S. sanctions against 23 Nicaraguan judges and prosecutors.

The Biden Administration included in its list of corrupt and anti-democratic actors the 13 Nicaraguan judges who prosecuted and convicted 49 individuals  November 2021 voting.  #nicaragua #mostshared

The official affirmed on Twitter that around 50 percent of the U.S. judges are running for elections.

"They are politicians, and they do cheap politics. They need money from interest groups and campaign donors and respond to political interests. How can they think of sanctioning judges from other countries?" the diplomat asked.

In another message, Martinez recalled the case of a Florida state judge who, against universally accepted opinion and corroborated in federal courts, ruled that the child Elian Gonzalez, kidnapped in 1999 by relatives in that U.S. state, should stay there instead of returning to Cuba with his father.

She said that the judge's "lobbyist" was the same one who "advised" Elián's kidnappers.

This Sunday, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People's Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP) condemned the new coercive and unilateral measures of the United States against Nicaragua.

Through a communiqué, this regional integration mechanism denounced that Nicaraguan jurists are accused without proof by Washington of being related to acts of corruption or other crimes referred to as the Northern Triangle Enhanced Commitment Act, known as the Engel List.

The alliance urged the international community to denounce what it described as aggression against Managua as "violating the fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter".

It also ratified its solidarity with the people and government of Nicaragua, target of punitive actions by the White House such as sanctions against its financial system, government representatives and private citizens, military chiefs, legislators and relatives of President Daniel Ortega.

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