Cuban Education System on the Digital Road

The Cuban Education System looks at developing technological innovation, the development of capacities and the integration of systems as a parts of a local strategy towards digital transformation.
The country has the necessary conditions to keep developing the digitalization of the education system, said the director of educative technology at the Cuban Education Ministry Fernando Ortega.
During the 19th Pedagogy 2025 Congress, in Havana, the executive stressed the role of the Cuban Higher Education and Education ministries in the preparation of citizens for the digital world.
Promoting digital discipline at all education levels, creating contents and educative programing on TV channels are some of the actions underway as part of the local digital strategy, said the executive, who also referred to joint projects with I.T. companies, which provide equipment and connectivity to rural schools.
Ortega also recalled the country’s difficulties to access Artificial Intelligence technology due to restrictions posed by the US economic, commercial and financial blockade against the island nation.
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