Cuba undertakes final phase of assembly of new solar park

The assembly of the new photovoltaic solar park located about three kilometers from this eastern city, whose generation capacity will contribute 21.8 Megawatts (MW) of clean energy to the electricity system of the province of Granma, is currently in its final phase.
After materializing more than 90 % of the execution process, the work continues to complete the work that bears the name of "La Sabana", and occupies about 38 hectares of the site of the same name, on the road to the neighboring territory of Holguin.
Once the seven inverters that will allow transforming direct and alternating current have been installed, we are now working on the wiring of the line to interconnect them, Livan Guevara Valderde, investment director of the Granma Electric Company, told the Cuban News Agency in an exclusive interview.
Although the completion date of the site is scheduled for late April, its gradual synchronization with the National Electric System will begin next March, he indicated.
He also recalled that, in addition to "La Sabana", the eastern province is undertaking three other similar investments in the municipalities of Niquero, Manzanillo and Rio Cauto.
When they are completed and come into operation, Guevara Valverde continued, the four new facilities will together generate 87.2 MW of energy, which will be added to the 18.8 MW now provided by the six photovoltaic solar parks existing in the territory.
In line with the country's policy for the change of the energy matrix until 2030, this increase will mean an important step towards the goal of satisfying Granma's maximum electricity demand during the midday peak, the investment director remarked.
The investment in clean energies responds to Cuba's projections in order to achieve greater independence in this strategic field and reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, which are becoming increasingly expensive and polluting the environment.
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