Cuba Takes on Chair of Regional Organization Committee

Cuba Takes on Chair of Regional Organization Committee
Fecha de publicación: 
27 June 2024
Imagen principal: 

Cuba took on the temporary chair of the Representatives Committee at the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI).

The Committee is a permanent political body and negotiations forum aimed at meeting the goals stated by the Association’s constitutive treaty, according to the Cuban Foreign Ministry.

Cuban ambassador to Uruguay and permanent representative at ALADI, described as a honor for Cuba to take on the Committee’s Chair till December. She said that Cuba is willing and committed to undertake the task appropriately during a period of time she considered to be very active.

Cuba will work with a constructive approach amidst the current asymmetries and countries with less relative development, said the diplomat and added that among the objectives to pursue is making the Association more visible based on a communicational approach. In this regard, she recalled that Havana hosted the 10th ALADI Macro Business Round in 2023 with participants attending in person, despite, the countries economic difficulties stemming from the unilateral US anti-Cuba policy.

ALADI is the largest integration platform in Latin America, made up of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. Over 510 million people are represented in the Association.

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