Cuba congratulates Venezuela on anniversary of its independence

Cuba congratulates Venezuela on anniversary of its independence
Fecha de publicación: 
6 July 2024
Imagen principal: 

Cuban foreign ministry congratulated Venezuela today, on the occasion of the 213th anniversary of its independence.

With its message on X, the foreign ministry ratified its solidarity and support to the homeland of Simon Bolivar and Hugo Chavez, as well as its commitment to continue strengthening the bonds of brotherhood that unite both peoples and governments.

In history, Venezuelan independence is known as a military and political process initiated in 1810 that ended with the emancipation of the current Venezuelan territory from Spanish domination.

The first registered events were conspiracies led by Creole merchants and landowners who wanted to put an end to the abuses of colonial officials.

The process was divided into four stages and lasted until 1830, the year of the dissolution of Gran Colombia, which fragmented into three independent states: Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador.

After the separation, the Fourth Republic of Venezuela began, whose first president was Jose Antonio Paez.

Cuba and Venezuela keep an Integral Cooperation Agreement subscribed by leaders Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, in October 2000, with the aim of strengthening and generating a notable impact in areas such as health, education, sports and culture.

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