Council of State of Cuba approves new decrees

Council of State of Cuba approves new decrees
Fecha de publicación: 
27 October 2023
Imagen principal: 

The Council of State of Cuba passed two decrees and looked into the implementation of regulatory provisions in an ordinary session, chaired by Esteban Lazo, the body's president.

Legislators approved on Thursday a regulatory provision on the security and protection of classified and limited information, which establishes the rules to guarantee the security and protection of data that reflects the activity of the State or information issued by another legal or natural person on any field.

The second decree is related to the development, application and use of cryptographic protection devices and services in the sphere of cryptography in Cuba, and stipulates its organization and operation.

The members of the National Assembly of People’s Power were updated regarding the economic situation in Cuba, and analyzed the performance and impact of micro, small and medium-sized businesses and non-agricultural cooperatives.

They also evaluated the measures adopted as a result of the inspection of the Ministry of Construction, and insisted on the need to strengthen local production of materials, use available resources more efficiently and deploy innovation.

The parliamentarians also checked the implementation of the Law of Criminal Procedure and Intellectual Rights and the Performing Artist, as well as the progress in the “Tarea Vida”, the State’s plan to counter climate change.

They also highlighted that Cuba continues to combat climate change with constant updating and control of adaptation and mitigation measures, prioritizing the territorial level, as the impacts differ between one place and another.

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