China calls for regional stability amid reports of joint military base in Cuba

China calls for regional stability amid reports of joint military base in Cuba
Fecha de publicación: 
26 June 2023
Imagen principal: 

Beijing on Monday called for "mutual trust" and "strengthening regional stability" after questions were raised over reports of negotiations to establish a joint military training facility between China and Cuba on the island nation.

“China has made its position clear on multiple occasions,” said Mao Ning, spokeswoman for China’s Foreign Ministry.

Mao was responding to US politicians’ concerns over a reportedly joint military training facility by China and Cuba, the Chinese daily Global Times reported.

Beijing hopes that relevant parties “will focus more on enhancing mutual trust and strengthening regional peace, stability, and development,” Mao added.

Reports have emerged that China and Cuba are currently engaged in negotiations to establish a joint military training facility on the island nation.

The development has reportedly raised concerns in Washington, as there are worries over the potential deployment of Chinese troops in the region.

Citing current and former US officials, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) earlier reported the Biden administration has initiated contact with Cuban officials in an attempt to prevent the plans from going forward.

The report also said that discussions regarding the establishment of the facility on Cuba’s northern coast have reached an advanced stage, but they have not yet been finalized.

In a report earlier this month, the WSJ claimed that Cuba "agreed" to host a Chinese listening post in exchange for billions of dollars.

However, the report was quickly denied in both Havana and Beijing as well as in Washington, where the Biden administration called it inaccurate.

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