Chile's protests leave detainees, material damages

Chile's protests leave detainees, material damages
Fecha de publicación: 
6 October 2020
Imagen principal: 
Santiago, Chile, Oct 6 (Prensa Latina) At least a score of detainees, a burned bus and other material damages are the preliminary result of the protests occurred Monday afternoon and evening in Santiago and other Chilean cities.
As the first anniversary of the October 18, 2019 social outbreak, which generated an unprecedented popular movement in the country, is approaching, protests have increased.

Those protests worsened after the October 2 events, when a 16-year-old boy was seriously injured. This action also triggered the demands so that General Mario Rozas, director of Chile's national police, Carabineros, who was highly questioned by the repeated police violence, resign or removed from office.

The Plaza de la Dignidad (Baquedano) in Santiago was the center, as usual, of those mobilizations, where hundreds of people gathered with flags, banners and banging pots.

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