ALBA-TCP Expresses Condolences Over Death of Fighter Nora Cortiñas

ALBA-TCP Expresses Condolences Over Death of Fighter Nora Cortiñas
Fecha de publicación: 
1 June 2024
Imagen principal: 

The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People's Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP) expressed its condolences over the sensitive physical departure of Argentine fighter Nora Cortiñas, who will be bid farewell in Buenos Aires on Friday.

The executive secretary of the regional integration bloc, Jorge Arreaza, wrote on X that ‘Norita, co-founder of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, dedicated her life to fight the dictatorship’ and defended social justice, true democracy and the just causes of humanity.

We regret that she left without seeing and embracing in freedom her friend and companion of just struggles, Milagro Sala, he said.

Arreaza sent his solidarity embrace to the people and Social Movements of Argentina, as well as to the Mothers, their friends and loved ones.

The member of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo-Founding Line died on Thursday at the age of 94 and relatives, friends, social and political leaders bade her sad farewell on Friday.


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