45 works of Cuba’s Apostle José Martí are exhibited in Guatemala


45 works of Cuba’s Apostle José Martí are exhibited in Guatemala
Fecha de publicación: 
20 March 2025
Imagen principal: 

An exhibition of 45 works of the Apostle of Cuban Independence, José Martí, is on display at the César Brañas Library, of the extension department of the San Carlos University of Guatemala.


The initiative arose from the concern of making known all the existing material here of the hero of the largest island of the Caribbean, Luis Herrera, in charge of that center, Cultural Heritage of this Nation, said.

That’s why we decided to mount this exhibition for 15 days, until March 31 we will be open, he remarked in statements to Prensa Latina, while he expressed that they found valuable works that are not available elsewhere in the country.

He mentioned the book Iconografía del Apóstol (Iconography of the Apostle), from 1925, already 100 years old, and assured that the journalist, essayist, literary critic and poet César Brañas admired Martí.

The Golden Age, Versos Sencillos, Madre América, Ismaelillo and authors such as Rubén Darío, Guatemalan writer Máximo Soto Hall, among others who dealt with the life of the Cuban intellectual, researcher Roberto Cifuentes said.

Then we have the letters written by José Martí to Manuel Mercado, readings for children, the latest edition of the Guatemala Essay, as well as other very important ones, he said.

“We have seen that the relationship between our two countries dates back to the 1800s. Here there was a school founded by West Indian teachers and we can read it in Soto’s work,” Herrera said .

From there comes the link between Guatemala-Cuba, there was also the patriot José Joaquín Palma, Martí, who studied a lot in this nation, he emphasized.

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