Rogelio Fundora Art Exhibition for Fidel 90th Birthday

There are around 30 works which are part of the artist´s exhibition where he shows the life of the leader of the Cuban Revolution through different stages of his life, starting form his youth to date. The exhibition will be on display until June 17th where those people interested could be able to watch that magnificent work.
Rogelio Fundora is a grower, painter and autodidact ceramist and national Outstanding and Antero Regalado recognitions granted by the National Small Growers Association. He is also a member of the José Martí Cultural society and has carried out more than 50 personal and collective exhibitions and a permanent one, among them, at the venue of the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture in Cuba.
He has also participated in benefit auctions. Rogelio Fundora is the only local artist of Painting who also harvest three acres of lands and he has been granted different prizes and recognitions due to his creative work.
In the opening ceremony of the exhibition room, Orlando la Guardia, who is an excellent and legendary singer of the popular and local TV program entitled ´Palmas y Cañas,´ pleased the inaugural event with his beautiful words.
The canvasses, which are part of this exhibition, recreate different occasions of the life of the hero of the Moncada garrison, Granma yacht and Sierra Maestra mountain historical events. They are original and pictorial images in which it is shown the characteristic style of this autodidactic artist.
The Cuban artists is known due to the creation of pieces which show scenes of which his main characters, some growers in the countryside and the rural life, transcend among imaginations, colors and smart technical solutions.
In addition, the love for the land is the recurrent theme to him, through all his work. It is a sublime and lovely exhibition, and his tools are the shovel, machete, paintbrush and the spatula that are used by him in the rural Madruga region where he lives and it is the scenery where he uses his multiple art.
“The exhibition is a retribution and respect. It shows some different aspects of Fidel Castro as the eternal Commander who exalted the grower´s soul, his/her needs and purity.” They are some quotations taken from the catalog by Graduate, Journalist and Art critic, Jorge Rivas Rodríguez.
By Sergei Montalvo Aróstegui
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