Daniel Diez Castrillo, 2015 National Television Award

In ceremony at the Jose Marti Memorial he was presented with the recognition, awarded annually by the Cuban television for the work of a lifetime to those creators with a long history and who have provided significant contributions to the media.
I wish talented people to approach television but knowing that to work on television and radio is necessary to know and master their ABC, then get over to put greater creative scope, to do otherwise is to destroy everything, he told presents the founder of Television Serrana.
The 2015 National Television Award winner concluded thanking everyone who has contributed to his training in the audiovisual world and especially to those who have believed and still believe in him.
The occasion also served to deliver the Pequeña Pantalla Awards to a total of fifteen prominent actors, program directors, makeup artists, broadcasters, writers, musicologists and Cuban television producers.
Some of the winners were the actors Salvador Wood and Luis Riego Morejon, presenter and writer Carlos Galeano, Professor and host Manuel Calviño Valdez, and announcer Raquel Mayedo Garcia, among others.
The event was attended by Abel Prieto Jimenez, advisor to the President of the Councils of State and Ministers; Danilo Sirio López, president of the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television; Alfonso Noya, general director of the Cuban Television and other officials of the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television.
Translation: Cubarte
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