Susana Baca and Argelia Fragoso to record together

Both were motivated to make this album during the visit Susana made here last year to participate at Encuentro Voces Populares event that Argelia organizes since three years ago.
The record proposes a trip to the roots of the Andean country music roots covering the work of authors such as Chabuca Granda and Alberto Condemarín. The phonogram will also go over our rich and diverse most traditional melodies and the contemporary music.
The compact mix and mastering will be done in Peru and it will be possibly ready for late September or the first week of October while Mexico has tentatively selected for the presentation.
Susana Baca and Argelia Fragoso also presented the text El amargo camino de la caña dulce, from Ricardo Pereira, who proposes the results of a thoroughly research about the Afro descendants population sin the South American nation. In five chapters, Pereira offers a historic vision of the Negritude in Peru.
The volume gives continuity to El fuego y el agua, in which he deals with this subject. Recently presented to the Spanish readers at the Alcalá de Henares University, the author of the book El amargo camino... found in Havana an auditorium that listened how this book reaffirm the communities coming from Africa in Peru, and how the perennial struggle against fascism is found in its pages. Two copies were donated to Casa de las Américas and the José Martí National Library.
Translation: Liana Fleitas (Cubarte)
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