Ecce Cuba: A Cuban Culture event in Rome

The program of Ecce Cuba includes a group of artistic and literary actions plus activities related to Cuban traditions and ways of living.
The event was opened at the Gallery of the mentioned institution with the arts exhibit El grabado artístico en Cuba 1962-2014, curated by Yohana Pirez and Xavier Llovet, and it gathers a selection of 28 works out of 70 Cuban artists that work engraving.
Among the artists participating in this sample, which is the first and most important one organized in Italy are Arturo Montoto, Juan Vicente Bonachea, Zaida del Río, Alexis Leyva (Kcho), Ángel Ramírez, Angel Rivero (Andy), Diana Balboa, Eduardo Abela, Eduardo Roca (Choco), Gilberto Frómeta and José Omar Torres, among others.
The program will end on June 8 and has planned poetry meetings, concerts, dramatized readings, audiovisuals screenings and presentation of books.
As part of this action the book De Baviera a La Habana, by Max Delgado Corteguera, artist who participates in the exhibition was presented. It is a three-volume catalogue with more than 300 pages, homage to Lithography, containing the experimental work created by three generations of Cuban artists in this technique.
Ecce Cuba sessions at Instituto Cervantes, in the very famous Piazza Navona of the Italian capital city and it is a great opportunity to present once again one of the most representative elements of Cuban culture in the old continent.
Translation: Liana Fleitas (Cubarte)
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