Statement by Ministry of Foreign Relations General Director for the United States, Josefina Vidal Ferreiro

Once again confirmed are the Cuban government’s reiterated condemnations of subversive plans which the United States government continues to carry out in Cuba.
In an article published August 4, which follows reports released this past April about the Zunzuneo undercover operation, the U.S. news agency Associated Press (AP) documents another of these projects financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), with the objective of negatively influencing Cuban youth. This project, which the United States government shamelessly admits having designed and executed, attempted to convert into political actors young Cubans who had been previously identified by Latin American emissaries recruited for this purpose, and to organize them to take action against the Cuba government.
These acts reconfirm that the United States government has not renounced its hostile, interventionist strategy in Cuba, meant to create destabilizing situations and provoke change in our political order, and to which millions of dollars are destined every year.
The United States government must immediately end all subversive, illegal undercover operations in Cuba, which violate of our sovereignty and the express will of the Cuban people to perfect our economic and social model, and consolidate our democracy.
Havana, August 5, 2014
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