Diaz-Canel Meets with Leaders of Cuban Religious, Fraternal and Ecumenical Organizations

Diaz-Canel Meets with Leaders of Cuban Religious, Fraternal and Ecumenical Organizations
Fecha de publicación: 
16 September 2015
Imagen principal: 

Miguel Diaz-Canel, member of the Politburo of the Cuban Communist Party and First Vice-president of the councils of State and Ministers, met on Monday in this capital with about 100 representatives of religious institutions, fraternal associations and ecumenical organizations of the country.

Diaz-Canel recalled that for several years these exchanges have been taking place, and confirmed "the willingness to continue nurturing and maintaining that dialogue among all, also as a basis of the unity of the people and the respect we have for all religions without distinction,” he pointed out.

You have many common issues to address, he told the gathering, and called to reflection, exchanges and the sharing of ideas and projects.

He further noted that this meeting was necessary amid two important moments in the context of the country's life: the Cuba-U.S. relations and the forthcoming visit of Pope Francis.

The Cuban First Vice-.president addressed in a general way the moment in which diplomatic relations between the two countries are and gave information about the program the Supreme Pontiff will carry out in Cuba, which was favorably welcomed.

In this regard several executives expressed the convergence between their views on various issues, which coincide with the statements made by the Pope during his pontificate.

He also urged to make proposals of other issues that could be addressed, which took place when one of the attendees expressed his interest in knowing about measures implemented to deal with population aging in the country; which it was widely explained.

This meeting is a continuation of the dialogue that takes place at least once a year between authorities of different levels of the Communist Party and the government and religious leaders and representatives of fraternal associations, and follows up the exchanges that the First Vice-president has had with the different religions coexisting in Cuba.

Diaz-Canel Meets with Leaders of Cuban Religious, Fraternal and Ecumenical Organizations

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