AGM will focus on the changes in Cuba-US relations and how they challenge campaigning against the blockade
The Cuba Solidarity Campaign’s Annual General Meeting for 2015 will take place on Saturday 13 June, from 10am – 4pm at Hamilton House, the headquarters of the National Union of Teachers in London.
This year we are delighted to announce that special guest speakers will include the Cuban Ambassador Teresita Vicente, as well as Christine Blower, General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers.
The AGM this year will take on special importance following the recent developments in Cuba-US relations since the historic announcements of 17 December last year. It will give members and affiliates the opportunity to discuss the strategy for CSC to take the campaign against the blockade forward within this new environment.
CSC has already been busy disseminating information about the developments, and explaining to people the need to continue and step up our campaigning. However, as there will undoubtedly be challenges ahead for the Cuban people, there will also be a need for us to refocus our energies to continue to develop our campaigning work at this time. At the same time this AGM will be an opportunity to enjoy the freedom of the Miami Five after so many years incarcerated in US prisons. We will include a number of activities to celebrate the success of the long campaign to free the Miami Five.
The AGM is open to all to attend, but only CSC members and affiliates are able to propose and vote on motions and elect the 34 members of the National Executive Committee at the event.
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