Cuban Science Advances
Since 1990, Cuba established the date on January 15thas the Cuban Science day by honoring the preceptfrom the top leader of the Fidel Castro when he expressed: ´our land´s future after having turned a year from the Revolutionary triumph, it is certainly a future for local scientists.´
During these almost six decades of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel´s idea has confirmed the great progresses of science and the technological innovation by increasing its impact in both the local economics and the society.
The vaccines production, medicines and reagent products, along with the increase of the related biotechnological and pharmaceutical products, are among them. Moreover, the researches about new products against the cancer disease continue successfully.
These days, the scientific centers, researchers, universities and the rest of the members of the national science and innovation system are receiving the homage paid due to their outstanding work and service for the people, and that is the case of the local Centro de InvestigacionesApícolas (literally, the Beekeeping Researching Centre) from the Minister of Agriculture to which the National Accreditation Office of the Republic of Cuba granted a the certificate due to its five analytical methods conceived in its laboratories and the honey´s proper physical and chemical quality that is produced nationwide.
There are already six the certified methods granted to it given its staff had achieved another one in 2014, so they need complete the nine ones demanded by the international norms which is their goal, during the current 2015.
Doctor of Sciences, Adolfo Pérez Piñeiro, who is the director of the prestigious institution, commented to Radio Rebelde station that the production of honey in Cuba has recovered and continues increasing, as well as the fact that it achieves important incomes to the national economy by being even really necessary for the pharmaceutical industry and other local related consumptions. The majorities of the Cuban honeys have a high quality and have excellent prices in the international market, so they constitute an important help for the local monetary flow of the agriculture.
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