Cuba will Host the Organ Donor Day
It’s emphasized the importance of raising public awareness in order to understand that the salvation of millions of people depends on their own actions.
On November 21st, Cuba will be the world headquarters for the activities on the World Day for the Donation of Organs, Tissues and Transplants, as the climax for the meeting of the Ibero-American Network of Donation and Transplantation, scheduled for November 18-20 with venue at the International Health Center La Pradera.
Nephrology specialist Antonio Enamorado Casanova, national coordinator of the Transplant Program of the Ministry of Public Health, said that representatives from 38 countries will participate in this meeting, in addition to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
World Organ, Tissue and Transplant Donation Day * seeks to raise awareness and draw attention to the need to donate organs and tissues, as millions of people in the world depend on such a procedure to save their lives.
The specialist insisted on the importance of raising public awareness about this topic, which goes beyond the political will of the States and actions of health systems, and doctors.
He commented that our country has a high level of education, which might be useful in order for citizens to understand that it’s them the only ones who can influence the solution of health problems and increase the quality of life of patients.
«We could have a lot of money, millions; well-trained doctors, studied, and being in hospitals looking at our faces, if society does not contribute to the solution of the problem ».
He criticized the position and ignorance regarding this matter, because, despite the fact that Cuba has been doing transplants for many years, the population is not educated as to the importance of donating the organs.
He informed that at present in the country (both children and adults) there are more than 3,000 patients connected to dialysis machines, waiting for a kidney to be transplanted; hundreds of patients waiting for a cornea; dozens waiting for a liver.
Cuba, in 1972, registered the first kidney transplant, a program that has been on at the Institute of Nephrology. And in the mid 80’s, the first heart transplant was done.
So far this year about 185 kidney transplants, 180 cornea, 10 liver, 1 heart and 40 bone marrow transplants have been carried out.
«The need quadruples or quintuples what we do today. However, the main limitation is not economic, but the availability of organs,”he emphasized.
Undoubtedly, it’s a complex issue that has many viewpoints. It’s essential to understand the subject and the sensitivity of making a call, even in the most difficult moments, when facing the loss of a relative.
* On October 14 each year, since 2005, the World Organ, Tissue and Transplant Donation Day is commemorated. This date was established by WHO, with the purpose of encouraging the desire to be donors and thus save the lives of other less fortunate people in regards to physical health.
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