Havana Fair confirms the interest of foreign entrepreneurs in Cuba

Havana, Nov 3 (Prensa Latina) The celebration in that capital of the XXXVII Havana International Fair (Fihav 2019) confirms the interest of foreign entrepreneurs and investors in Cuba.
To be held from November 4 to 8 at the Expocuba site, the event has as a backdrop the recent measures taken by the United States to try to isolate and economically suffocate this country.
Hence, attendees take into account the economic plans of the island and its potential, despite financial and commercial problems.
In that sense, the Cuban Minister of Economy and Planning, Alejandro Gil, notified the portfolio of relevant plans for those who now go to Fihav. He argued that the moment is marked by the resurgence of the blockade imposed by the United States, which is attentive to national development plans.
In 2018, the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Cuba, at constant prices, was 2.2 percent, higher than the estimated 1.2 percent in December of that year.
In terms of exports, Cuba fulfilled its plan in 104 percent in the first half of 2019 and oil production in 2.5 percent (39 thousand 200 tons more), although the figure does not cover national needs.
Exports of medical services, tobacco, rum, lobster, concentrated juices, fresh fruits, coal, among other products, were over-fulfilled.
But the expected levels in tourism were not reached, due to Washington's new measures such as the ban on cruise travel, and nickel sales, due to low metal prices.
These are just some data that justify the interest of Fihav participants, from all over the world, especially to approach businesses that are favorable between the parties.
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