Evo Morales Dedicates Electoral Victory to Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez

“This victory of the Bolivian people in democracy is dedicated to all the peoples of Latin America and the world, who fight against capitalism and imperialism. This triumph is dedicated to Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez and all anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist presidents and governments,” said the Bolivian head of state.
Following the announcement of the preliminary results that gave the victory to Morales in eight out of nine departments, he came to the balcony of the Government Palace to thank the Bolivian people and to celebrate “what in a democratic manner has been ratified, which is in Bolivia there is not a waning moon but a full moon.”
He said that this was the victory of anti-colonialists and anti-imperialists because in the debate against privatization, over 60 percent favored nationalization.
Bolivia has grown and in this new period it will consolidate the process of change, promoted by the Morales administration and the democratic and cultural revolution, said the head of state.
According to Ipsos Polling agency, Morales won the election with over 59 percent of the votes, Samuel Doria Media remained second with 25, 3 and former president Jorge Quiroga was third with only 17, 7 percent.
Nearly 89 percent of the citizens on the voters´ registration participated in the election, meaning little less than 6, 3 million people. (acn).
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