Yahoo Gives Yoani $60 000 for “Upgrading” in a CIA Breeding Center


Yahoo Gives Yoani $60 000 for “Upgrading” in a CIA Breeding Center
Fecha de publicación: 
15 September 2014
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Her CIA ties go back to her exile in Switzerland where she not only ate gruyere cheese but had her first romance with Yankee intelligence. Now, after several years of counterrevolutionary activities in Cuba that have made her a millionaire, Yoani Sánchez received a Yahoo grant of $ 60,000 to upgrade at Georgetown University, the Alma Mater of a rich collection of luminaries of American intelligence.

The Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and its Institute for the Study of Diplomacy (ISD) announced the news.  They indicated that the Cuban "youngster", who will soon celebrate her 40th birthday, will focus her studies on digital journalism during the academic year 2014-2015. The scholarship includes $60,000 USD to cover "academic and housing expenses" plus an additional $5000 for her "travel expenses".

King Philip of Spain and Bill Clinton studied at Georgetown and several other heads of state and monarchs are among the promoters of the institution. But there are more. Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Henry Kissinger were professors at the Institute where Alexander Haig was also noted.

In the long list of celebrities also appear L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the controversial Church of Scientology; J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI chief inquisitor; and Jack Abramoff, the corrupting lawyer who ended behind bars.

Among other "famous" alumni from Latin America is Costa Rican right-wing President Laura Chinchilla and Salvadoran President Alfredo Cristiani who was involved in the famous slaughter of six Jesuit priests in San Salvador, on November 6, 1989.

But what is most interesting: several directors of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are distinguished in the list of formers students of the university. Among them, George Tenet, who prompted the criminal aggression against Iraq; Robert Gates, an old agent and favorite of George W. Bush; David Petraeus whom James Petras has called an Israeli agent.

The ugliest of all these lords of imperial intelligence is certainly Allen Dulles who, apart from conceiving, organizing and launching the coup against Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala (1954), multiplied the dirty assaults against the young Cuban Revolution. He was also accused of having ordered the destruction of French ship La Coubre in Havana harbor, causing hundreds of deaths. It was he who invented, together with Richard Nixon, Operation 40 with 40 agents and assassins -- Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch among these-- which preceded the invasion of Playa Girón.

It is no surprise then that the School of Foreign Service and its Institute for the Study of Diplomacy (ISD) would now sponsor Yahoo’s protégé without requiring her to submit to a contest as outlined in the regulations.

A brief
examination of the characteristics of other Yahoo fellows gives an exact clue as to the nature of the CIA link of that "prestigious" institution which in its brochure openly announces its collaboration with American government agencies, including the CIA.

French woman Séverine Arsène, a Yahoo "fellow" in 2011-2012, is an expert in handling Internet networks. Her specialty is China, and during her time in Georgetown "focused on social media as tools for disseminating messages."

Another French woman, Francesca Musiani (2012-2013), worked with Human Rights Watch (HRW), an organization often identified as linked to American intelligence.

Russian Evgeny Morozov, Yahoo Fellow 2009-2010, worked with the Open Society Foundation, of billionaire George Soros.

Another grantee, Han-teng Liao holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and Foreign Languages and Literature, a master’s degree in Journalism and another in Computer Science. He worked for years with the National University in... Taiwan.

It is with
pride that the institution boasts of its many partners from the U.S. State Department, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the of the United States Information Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency.

In September 2013, Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer, confessed that her greatest fear was to end up in prison if she did not collaborate with the national intelligence agencies. Later, documents provided by former CIA specialist Edward Snowden demonstrated the link between Internet companies –among these Yahoo, Google, Microsoft and Facebookand US espionage programs.

Moreover, repeated attempts by US intelligence agencies to use social networks for propaganda purposes, notably in Cuba, are now known.

The CIA connection of Cuban Yoani is known: it goes back to the time when German BND agent and security adviser for Department 211 of the Foreign Ministry (Budeskanzleramt), Volker Pellet, recruited her during her golden exile in Switzerland.

Yoani Sanchez is already in Washington where the official grant handover ceremony took place on Tuesday. During her stay in the US capital she will be able to expand her relationship with imperial intelligence, and will also have the opportunity to develop ties with the scoundrels in the Capitol who admire her so.

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