Cuban Youths Denounce Provocation in Peru
Members of the Cuban delegation to the V Young Americas Forum denounced here today the presence of counterrevolutionaries from their country with the purpose of slandering about Cuba’s reality.
Ronal Hidalgo highlighted that during the registration process for the event that begins tomorrow as part of the activities running parallel to the VIII Summit of the Americas verified that three young compatriots lacking authenticity and association to any organization got registered as delegates.
Those ‘minor characters’ got registered allegedly representing Cuba, although hired and paid by abroad counterrevolutionaries organizations, said the member of the representative team of the legitimate civic society of Cuba.
He remembered that from the first moments of preparation for the forum Cuba was granted a quota of only 10 youths and it was explained that would only be accepted 150 delegates in total, a fact corroborated by the Cuban doctor Nirza García Valdés.
We notice that there were 206 youths registered, and in the same room of the registering we denounce before organizing authorities that we wouldn't allow any more lies coming from the Organization of American States (OAS) in Peru, Hidalgo said.
He added that they are young who don't represent any organization of the Cuban youth, they lack authenticity, and they didn't participate in the preliminary forum summoned by the organizing committee which was carried out at the University of Havana with youths who debated openly.
We warned the organizing authorities of the event that we are not in favor of that decision they took, they are demonstrating naïveté in this case and we know there’s nothing naïve, he stressed.
On behalf of the Cuban youth Hidalgo remarked that 'we don't plan to dialogue or sit down at any table with that kind of people. We won't allow their inclusion in the forum of young people because we are not capable of accepting none of these arbitrary measures.'
They will neither allow the forum to develop, and he referred that in Panama (at the VII Summit, 2015) the juvenile forum was developed on the bases of dialogue and negotiations, 'but in this case we won't allow any of that presence’; he said reproving the lack of transparency of organizers.
Just like Hidalgo, Doctor García rejected the manipulation to register these three little characters hired by counterrevolutionary organizations, and said to wait the revision and promised answer by the responsible authorities.
García explained the representativeness and heterogeneity of the juvenile delegation of her country, and regretting the tricks against Cuba she was categorical about that 'there won't be any dialogue' with those people.
We wanted to establish a dialogue of respect and transparency for approaching the many topics that concern the entire youth in Latin America and we wanted to pass down our experiences, but we are not willing to share a scenario that doesn't correspond them', she asserted.
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