Who’s afraid of Humberto López?


Who’s afraid of Humberto López?
Fecha de publicación: 
11 May 2021

For several months now, the counter-revolutionary media on Internet has made journalist Humberto López its main target, essentially after the accusations he has made at the primetime of the Cuban National TV News. He, more than once, has brought to light the actions of both the mercenary groups based in Cuba or in the U.S.

Although the reports of Cuban journalist are based on documents, videos or audios from telephone calls, which prove right each of his accusations, his professional behavior has been questioned and slandered by a constant media lynching.

As evidence of the effectiveness of his accusations, the anti-Cuban media on Internet, which have echoed the soft coup attempts against the island, in addition to assiduously malign about his professionalism and private life, have issued threats all of kind against him and his family.

But threats —inherent to methods of psychological war operated on Internet against any human being defending the Cuban Revolution—  issued by some counter-revolutionaries have escalated into actions. Some days ago, for instance, the counter-revolutionary media reported the dumping of asphalt in the façade of his family home in the city of Colon, Matanzas.

The most recent action against this professional, who was selected as member of the PCCs Central Committee in the most recent Congress of the Communist Party held in Cuba, took place last Saturday when a self-designated activist for the human rights approached him by surprise when he was exiting a friend’s house in the Havana’s neighborhood La Lisa.

This media ambush against the journalist, led by Yeilis Torres Cruz, member of the counter-revolutionary organization Unión Patriótica de Cuba (UNPACU) while streaming live in Facebook, could not be clumsier, especially if we take into account the premeditation with which it was planned.

As we may see in the photos posted by the activist, who is now trying to playing the role of a victim of a physical aggression at the hand of the journalist, she began streaming live 30 meters away from the front door of the building where he was.

While she was walking toward Humberto López, she said loudly: “Quickly, connect to the Internet. Connect to the Internet! This is important.” That is to say: connect quickly that I am going to start the show.

Later, in a second live streaming, full of contradictions, the stalker, with tears in her eyes, claimed she was beaten by the journalist and she did so without showing any evidence of physical aggression, except for a broken chain.

It seems that the fake victim Yeilis is not an amateur in the staging of such melodramas. On his Facebook profile, journalism student Pedro Jorge Velázquez posted: “Yeilis Torres Cruz, who is natural of Santiago de Cuba and member of UNPACU, is not the first time she does something like that. Not at all! That’s her job: to film with her cell phone people without any given consent and hence she violates the private life of others. Besides she defames publicly in her Facebook profile those she labels “despicable snitches” as well as making scenes to “topple communism.” Humberto was not harassing her. She was harassing Humberto. It is not the first time either that she hides her cellphone in her underwear and accuses someone, without evidence, of invading her privacy. How do I know all of that? Well, it is all posted in her Facebook profile, in her live streaming histories and posts. Go and watch it!”

On the other hand, and contrary to what most of the digital platforms financed by U.S. government agencies say, the stalker has never been a prosecutor. She studied law at the Oriente University until her 4th school year, where she was expelled under the charge of fraud. Afterwards, she went to Havana where she engaged in prostitution until she began working with and for the opposition.

The stalker notes about her private information: “Yeilis tried to do what most of Cuban women do, engage in prostitution.”

It is pretty clear she was waiting for Humberto to end his friendly visit to play her role and confront the professional.

The media aggression, by the way, takes place few days after a list of revolutionary journalists was released via Telegram with the name of Humberto López on it. In the same Telegram post, there was a summoning to all neighbors of the aforementioned journalists to prevent each from going out their homes. Was it casual?

Another evidence of the staging led by stalker Yeilis Torres Cruz is that she lives two blocks away from the place the live streaming took place. She was warned of Humberto López’s visit by a neighbor. Was money part of it?

After being rejected by neighbors, she tried to escape in a motorcycle, probably rented and she was taken off the motorcycle by the driver himself. Then, Yeilis went to the police station and file a complaint of alleged aggression.

According to Doctor Jorluis Borges Galvan, who assisted her at the Cristobal Labra Polyclinic, X-rays tests were performed to the accuser in both arms, with no fracture and a brain X-Ray test with no injury detected. No evidences of physical aggression or mutilation were detected either.

Finally, needless to say that no lists or fabricated provocations will intimidate or silence Cuban journalists committed to the Revolution and truth. As Humberto himself uses to say at the end of his programs: “We will be back soon, very soon, with much more information.”

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff

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