Miami Press Calls Anti-Cuban Congressmen Liars


Miami Press Calls Anti-Cuban Congressmen Liars
Fecha de publicación: 
9 June 2021

Under the title "It’s shameful that Republican congressmen from Miami promote conspiracy theories," an editorial published yesterday, nothing more and nothing less than in El Nuevo Herald, called Republican congressmen María Elvira Salazar and Mario Díaz-Balart Liars.

"The least we can expect from the people we elect to Congress is that they tell the truth about basic facts, such as who won the 2020 presidential elections," the text begins, adding:

"That commitment to the truth is no longer part of the description of the job of Miami-Dade Federal Republican Congressmen Mario Díaz-Balart, and María Elvira Salazar. Both spread fake information about the election results during their Spanish radio appearances in January. "

According to El Nuevo Herald article, a new media monitoring report published on Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021 by organizations like Florida Rising and the Miami Freedom Project showed how widespread conspiracy theories were on Spanish radio before and after the riots at the Capitol on January 6th, according to a report by journalist Lautaro Grinspan. Among the aforementioned misinformation was that thousands of deceased people and non-citizens voted in the elections.

Conspiracy theories – said El Nuevo Herald - that were fed by Donald Trump himself and his Republican acolytes, who didn’t hesitate, and didn’t seem to try, or want to, verify the claims of widespread fraud, before backing them up.

Those acolytes apparently included María Elvira Salazar who, according to the quoted newspaper, repeated a false narrative about the integrity of the vote in the state of Pennsylvania and made comments in an appearance on a radio show on January 11th, after it was established that lies about the fraud during the 2020 elections fueled the attackers who interrupted the Congressional certification of the election results.

"How is it possible that in Pennsylvania there are 200,000 more votes on Election Day than [voters] on the electoral rolls? That is not possible," Salazar said, as reported by the Nuevo Herald / Miami Herald.

The article further states that if anyone should know the basics of fact-checking should be Salazar. "She is a former television journalist who worked for major Spanish networks like Univisión. She seemed to be quoting a repeatedly discredited conspiracy theory based on partial data. Of course, Trump himself shared this fake information on Twitter as well."

As for Congressman Mario Díaz-Balart, the editorial states that he voted to decertify the results on the Pennsylvania Electoral College and the day after January 6th attacks, he told a radio program presenter that the changes made to the Pennsylvania's electoral policies were "absolutely unconstitutional," an argument that was previously rejected by the courts and challenged by academics of constitutional law.

Was it possible that Salazar and Díaz-Balart just didn't do their due diligence and actually believed what they’ve said? Could it be that they are lying to secure the votes of their public, apparently an easily manipulated goal? Or did they see what could happen in the future: Republicans who do not align with the former president will be thrown to the lions as happened to Liz Cheney? The article wonders to finally conclude:

"We may never know his true intentions. But we do know the outcome of his actions: many in his party have not accepted Joe Biden as the legitimate president of the United States, which worsens the political polarization of the country and leads to violence."

ENH's accusations against both representatives could be considered extremely serious if we take into account the editorial subordination this newspaper has historically had to the government imposed by the anti-Cuban mafia in the city of Miami.

However, the text is still too generous to both characters.

This time, the Herald forgot to recall the role played by María Elvira Salazar in the creation of the hoax, prior 2020 presidential elections, about the communist character of the Democratic party, as well as the recent ridicule that both made when trying to establish themselves as supposed defenders of family reunification and propose the creation of a consulate at Gitmo naval base.

The Nuevo Herald failed to refer to the "conspiracy theories" that they make-up daily about the reality in Cuba and the use they do of this topic, in another attempt to "worsen the political polarization of the country," prevent the current administration to fulfill its electoral promises on Cuba.

Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff

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