Hillary, worse than Trump?


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Hillary, worse than Trump?
Fecha de publicación: 
22 May 2023

Hillary Clinton offered again her hilarious aspect, when she learned that her archenemy Donald Trump has been found guilty of sexual abuse and awaits trials on other charges that could disqualify his candidacy for the Republican Party for the 2024 presidential elections.

But the joy did not last long, when hours later special counsel John Durham concluded that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) should never have opened an investigation into the fabricated relations between Trump and Russia during the 2016 elections, and indicated that it happened due to pressure exerted by the team that supported the candidacy of the defeated wife of William Clinton.

Little will be done about it, however, due to pressure from the current establishment which, in addition to supporting the Clintons, does not want the FBI to be attacked, despite the fact that the FBI deliberately dismissed or ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia. "An objective and honest assessment of these lines of information should have made the FBI question not only the preaching of Cosiere Hurricane (entity that falsified data (Author’s Note), but also reflect on whether the FBI was being manipulated with political or other purposes. Unfortunately, that was not the case."

For years, Trump and other conservatives have singled out the ongoing Durham investigation with speculation that it would secure indictments against former high-level FBI officials or individuals close to former President Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, or otherwise dig up damning information supporting his allegation that the FBI "Deep State" improperly attacked Trump.


Many remember when she was Barack Obama's Secretary of State, Hillary couldn't contain her laughter when, a few hours after taking office, she learned of the assassination of Libyan leader Muammar el Gadhafi.

Thus, in one way or another, Hillary appears as an evil politician capable of doing as much harm as Trump, who has been the protagonist of intelligent lurches such as when he achieved the presidency with three million fewer votes, by conquering the states with the most electoral votes, but he also bordered on stupidity in encouraging his most reactionary elements to storm the Capitol.

The truth is that there are documents that indicate that the FBI protected Hillary for illegally receiving money from abroad during her 2016 presidential campaign.

The possible investigation was frustrated, because influences from the highest level of the FBI, known as 'the seventh floor,' prevented it from being carried out, under James Comer, then director of the FBI, according to National File.

The US Federal Election Commission (FEC) prevents election campaigns from soliciting or accepting contributions from foreign nationals under any circumstances, but the influx of foreign money prompted FBI agents to request authorization required by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

In this case, the agents applied for FISA permission from the court, but never got it.

"Kendall and Turner (heads of Clinton's legal team) were advised that the FBI was providing them with this report so that they would be aware and so that Ms. Clinton could take appropriate steps to protect herself," a summary memo read.

It is noteworthy that the FBI in charge of Comer preferred to notify the Democrat Clinton, against whom there were reasons to initiate an investigation for possible collusion with a foreign power, underlines the Los Angeles Times.


This is the title of Diana Johnston's book on Hillary Clinton, whom she pointed out as a cause of concern in the first place for Libya, and her responsibility in the war that plunged it into chaos, which spreads to the rest of Africa and even Europe, bringing more war to the Middle East.

She further supported Israel against the Palestinians, pledging Tel Aviv to join Saudi Arabia in overthrowing Hafez al Assad in Syria, and destroying the Iran-Assad-Hezbollah alliance, increasing the risk of a military confrontation with Russia.

Since then, Hillary Clinton has advocated a belligerent policy toward Russia on its border with Ukraine. The mainstream media in the West refused to credit serious observers such as John Pilguar and Ralph Nader, who expressed their fear that "Hillary Clinton would inadvertently lead us into World War III."

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff

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