EDITORIAL: All Rights for All


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EDITORIAL: All Rights for All
Fecha de publicación: 
17 May 2021

It would be nice to put a face to all those individuals who are not enjoying those rights. They are there. Those people are your friends, neighbors, relatives, and even yourself. They may be the members of an established couple —man and man, or woman and woman— who are already family and want to formalize their relationship before the law. It is just one example, perhaps the most cited, and least “complicated.” The thing is they still cannot. And there are no scientific or moral reasons to deny this right to them.

It would be nice not to excuse in fake moral, prejudice, whims, and “absolute” truths. Homosexuality is not a disease. Homosexuality cannot be “cured.” Homosexuality is not “transmitted.” It has been established by science. Therefore, homosexuality is not promoted, nor taught, nor imposed.

We do need to promote, in fact, the respect for difference. It is not about, in purity, a choice. You can choose, at best, an attitude, a way to deal with your sexuality; even a culture related to this attitude. The same way you choose a political stance, a citizen commitment, a profession…And these people deserve the respect of others with ethics and actions.

Homosexuality is not a threat. It is not an anti-value. Being homosexual does not make you a nice or bad person. The same way goes to being heterosexual. Those who link certain behaviors generally understood as reprehensible to the fact of being homosexual are not different to those who associate these same behaviors to the people’s colors of the skin, nationality, or some physical characteristics.

And no one will “turn” into homosexuality with the aid of “propaganda” without having this feeling within. Centuries of hegemonic heteronormativity (if not straightforward repression) have failed to “eradicate” homosexuals. Where did the idea of homosexuals trying to extinguish human race come from? Too many conspiracy theories with which doubts and prejudice are disguised. And even hatred. Education is the best solution.

Homosexuality is actually natural. It is not a social construct. A construction is the way in which homosexuality is assumed. And such construct does not breach the rules of coexistence of a society. So there is no reason to demonize it, especially if we weigh up the concrete contributions made by homosexuals to that society.

There is a political will in the country to recognize the rights of homosexuals, which are not specific, most of the times, as they are the same rights of all. Much has been done so far, but we can do even more. We must do more. Obstacles can be overcome with wisdom, sensitivity, common sense, and humanist vocation. 

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff

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