The “dialogue,” the blackmail, the plan


The “dialogue,” the blackmail, the plan
Fecha de publicación: 
28 January 2021

Respect is essential for a fruitful dialogue. The will to find the way for a debate with arguments. The responsibility and the timing. The ethics.

To hold a dialogue of significant intellectual involvement, it is necessary some sort of conceptual expertise, knowledge on the subjects, and sense of justice.

Dialogue must not be requested by pressing, blackmailing, provoking grossly. Distorting the law and using as an excuse the legitimate right to dissent is not acceptable.

There are guarantees to hold a serious, responsible debate on any subject related to cultural policy of the Revolution. It is even cynical to undermine it with the purpose of accusing of intolerance those who do not accept the imposition of insulting conditions.

Those who recently gathered in front of the Ministry of Culture were not interested in dialoguing. And that is why none of them accepted the invitation to solve any difference civilly. They rejected to listen to proposals, challenged the law stubbornly, which led us believe everything was staged.

They were not interested in dialoguing. They just wanted to stage a show for the media (and there were some “alternative” and “independent” media to facilitate it). They wanted to spread the narrative serving the interest of some sectors committed to change the political system in Cuba: the narrative of the art divorced from the institutions.

These sectors do not really care about art: the art is the excuse. The artists (and “the artists”) are, if anything, instrument in a plan of destabilization. A scenario that has worked well in other places.

And some of those who were part of the “peaceful protest” in front of the Ministry of Culture joined the plan (some knowing very well what they are doing, some others assuming it lightmindedly).

They underestimate the close bond of institutions with artists in Cuba. They ignore the essence of a Revolution that embraces the full access to culture as an unalienable right of citizens. And promotes and support the creative exercise with coherent public policies subjected to permanent thorough examination.

But an aesthetics debate is not precisely on the table: now we are discussing the future of a country, with clear projections in the political arena, the society, and the economy. Art has much to contribute. That is why it is on the opposition’s agenda.

These are hard times for the nation, which is facing the challenge of a pandemic amid a very complex economic scenario, worsened by the aggressive policies of the United States.

It is not casual that from an “artistic” perspective, they try to attack the institutions in Cuba.

The Ministry of Culture has reiterated its willingness to engage in dialogues and debates with honest artists on any subject related to creation and its political ramifications. But the Ministry will never cede before manipulations, provocations, and blackmails.

Our national sovereignty is not negotiable. It is our guarantee of survival. In this regard, art is a front-line bastion. The war on Cuba is also a cultural war.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff

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