Cyberwar: Technological CIA
In all this counterrevolutionary maelstrom to unleash a coup d'état in Venezuela, WhatsApp -popular and cheap- has been inder the spotlight as the visible head of disinformation and espionage handling against the government of Nicolás Maduro.
But also in this attempt to confuse the Venezuelan people and deceive world public opinion, other mobile telephony services have been relevant, in which the figure of Elon Musk has played a destabilizing role, who disguises himself as an altruist, who becomes a spokesman for Donald Trump, Javier Milei and other despicable entities of the extreme right.
Everything unfolds in a disinformation context that transcends the highest levels, smearing both sides that regularly vie for power in the United States, and which has its notorious antecedent in the imperialist policy to defenestrate the Cuban Revolution.
Nothing is made up, it's all on the website of the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation about the meeting eleven years ago in Washington attended by Jared Cohen, director of Google Ideas; Senator Marco Rubio, the director of the Bureau of Transmissions to Cuba, Carlos García, and former Secretary of State Roger Noriega, as well as many other executives and participants to share "their ideas on how the Internet can contribute to the desired progress of Cuba," described in the Bush Plan "for a free Cuba" and a policy still in force "to change the regime."
Google began as part of the California culture of graduate students around the San Francisco Bay Area. But as it grew it encountered great obstacles to its expansion. So it began to do what large companies do, from Coca Cola to Northrop Grumman: rely on the State Department, which ended up spending more money than Lockheed Martin on paid lobbyists in Washington.
Cohen, the aforementioned Google Ideas executive, worked directly in the State Department and was a close adviser to Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton.
Documents released by WikiLeaks confirm that Cohen was involved in secret missions in Azerbaijan. In internal emails, State Department official Fred Burton describes Google as follows:
“Google is getting WH and State Department support and air cover. They are actually doing things that the CIA can’t do… (Cohen) is going to get himself kidnapped or killed. It might be the best thing that can happen to expose Google’s covert role in the frothy uprisings, to be blunt.”
The WikiLeaks cables also reveal that Cohen, before working for the State Department, was in Afghanistan trying to convince the four Afghan mobile phone companies to move their antennas to US military bases. In Lebanon, he worked secretly to establish, on behalf of the State Department, a “think tank” to combat Hezbollah.
That Google was taking money from the National Security Agency in exchange for handing over people’s data is no surprise.
When Google met the big bad world, Google became big and bad.
Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff
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