Addressing the Sanitary Crisis
Cuba is now dealing with the most aggressive outbreak of Covid-19 so far. New patients have never popped up at this rate before. Every Cuban province is reporting new cases on daily basis. And in some territories, like Guantánamo, the situation has worsened at an alarming rate.
Covid-19 is a complicated disease. It is not, like some believe, “a simple flu.” It kills you, or may result in life-changing consequences. Its transmission rates have skyrocketed.
It would be really difficult to control the impact of the pandemic in a short-to-medium term. We can, at best, reduce its level of impact. But it is a tough goal.
In the coming months, when the clinical trial stages of the vaccinal candidate terminate, the massive vaccination campaign will kick off, starting with the health personnel and the most vulnerable sector of the population. Nationwide medical coverage will be provided.
The vaccine is a valuable protection. But it is not a magical wand. It does not mean the disease will be eradicated overnight.
That is why this “new normalcy” stage will remain in time. There are routines that are here to stay.
And the institutional structure of the nation, entities of the State and the government, the political and mass organizations have clear understanding of their responsibilities.
Addressing this pandemic has come at a high price. Nonetheless, the priority is crystal-clear: the citizens’ healthcare. Therefore, resources allocated to this purpose must be used wisely.
And we cannot “pause” the country (some people believe we must), and submit the nation to another quarantine period, resulting in the restraint of productive forces.
The circumstances are quite demanding.
However, it does not mean the government bears full responsibility here. Addressing this sanitary emergency implies the commitment and self-responsibility of every citizen.
We must abide by the laws. We must follow the protocols set by authorities. We must abide by the specific legislation in each territory at all levels.
And this involves each of us.
Transportation is limited. Provisions do not meet the demand. There are highly-demanded services that must keep on operating. Thus, long lines will not disappear, but it is paramount to organize them well to reduce risks.
The President of the Republic has stated several times that he trusts the people and the government agencies will overcome the ongoing crisis.
There are moral and organizational reserve to achieve so.
Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff
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