Colombian ELN Peace Negotiators Honor Fidel in Ecuador


Colombian ELN Peace Negotiators Honor Fidel in Ecuador
Fecha de publicación: 
29 November 2016
Imagen principal: 

Quito, Nov 29 (Prensa Latina) Peace negotiators of Colombian National Liberation Army (ELN) paid tribute in Ecuador, to the late revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, for whom respect is growing today in this country.

The delegation, led by guerrilla leader Pablo Beltran, arrived at the at the Cuban embassy with a floral crown dedicated to the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, whose death at the age of 90 occurred in Havana , On 25 November.

'We came to bring a message from Major Nicolás Rodríguez to President Raúl Castro, to the people and government of Cuba, Beltran said in exclusive statements to Prensa Latina, after signing the book of condolences, opened at diplomatic mission since the past 26 of November and until the coming 4 of December.

As he expressed, the pain and longing for Commander Fidel are similar between ELN members and Cubans: it hurts us equally, he said.

The guerrilla recalled that the ELN was born under the red and black insignia of Augusto César Sandino and that of the 26 de Julio Movement, which led the fight for the revolutionary victory in Cuba in 1959.

For Beltrán, the legacy of Fidel Castro is immense because 'all the anti-imperialist and revolutionary teaching from the commander and from Che (Ernesto Guevara) are still very much alive in us.'

Fidel will never die, he is like (José) Martí, like the great heroes, Beltran emphasized.

How is Fidel born? Because of Marti, and how many revolutionaries will be born in Cuba and the world? From the hand of Marti and Fidel, he concluded.

The deep respect and admiration for the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution was expressed in an Open Letter written by the Central Command of the ELN National Directorate.

'The revolutionaries of the world, those of us who had the opportunity to meet and share with Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, are shaken today by their departure, recognizing his integrality, genius and greatness as a constructor and revolutionary.'

Fidel, knowing how to surround himself with the best children of Cuba, took to the peoples of the world, the revolutionary, scientific and technical advances of the dignified island with the greatest and generous solidarity, so that what was achieved with perseverance and sacrifice became imperishable among people.

'Thank you Fidel for your generosity and always be your example the best guide for these and future generations'.

'We have the deep conviction that the government and people of Cuba will continue to build Fidel's work, alongside the peoples, revolutionaries, democrats and progressives in Latin America, because Fidel as (Simon) Bolivar, Martí, Che And (Hugo) Chávez, fought and dreamed of the Great Fatherland, that which goes from the Rio Bravo to Patagonia ', concludes the letter.

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