Pope Calls for Review of Migration Laws to Help Refugees

Pope Francis on Tuesday called on countries to "rethink the legislation" regarding immigration in order to integrate refugees into society.
His comments take place as several European countries want to shut their borders to migrants and refugees, while immigration is also a prominent issue in the U.S. presidential campaign.
"With regard to migrants, I would ask that legislation on migration be reviewed, so, while respecting reciprocal rights and responsibilities, it can reflect a readiness to welcome migrants and to facilitate their integration," he said in his message for the Roman Catholic Church's World Day of Peace.
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During his address, the pontiff also requested that "special attention" be paid to the plight of migrants.
"Special concern should be paid to the conditions for legal residency, since having to live clandestinely can lead to criminal behavior," he said.
During a planned visit to Mexico next February, Pope Francis will conduct mass at the U.S. border, where he will urge support for immigrants entering the United States and, more broadly, for people living on the margins of society.
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In September, the pope appealed to every Catholic parish, religious community and sanctuary in Europe to take in a family of refugees. In his message on Tuesday, he thanked those he said had "readily responded," without giving any figures. This content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address:
"http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Pope-Calls-for-Review-of-Migration-Laws-to-Help-Refugees-20151215-0022.html". If you intend to use it, please cite the source and provide a link to the original article. www.teleSURtv.net/english
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