Protesters in New York Demonstrating Against Police Brutality

Protesters in New York Demonstrating Against Police Brutality
Fecha de publicación: 
15 April 2015
Imagen principal: 

On Tuesday, hundreds of New Yorkers marched in protest of police brutality. The protest began in Union Square around 2 PM and headed south towards City Hall. The protesters were primarily young people. 

"On April 14, we're going to revive the spirit of Ferguson, that spirit of refusing to suffer the brutality of the system in silence. And we're going to take it high. We have to get back out into the streets to declare that we're not backing down, we're not going away,” activist Carl Dix told the War is a Crime Organization

The protesters entered Brooklyn Bridge, as they did in previous protests following the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

According to Victoria Bekiempis, a Newsweek reporter at the scene, two people were handcuffed, a man who appeared to be in his 20's and a teenage girl. It is unclear it either were formally arrested or charged. Throughout the entire protest, Bekiempis observed about a dozen people being handcuffed. Social media reports also reflect this count. The New York Police Department did not immediately reply to request for comment on the quantity of protesters formally arrested. 

Bekiempis observed several dozen protesters enter the roadway on Brooklyn Bridge and disturbing traffic. Other protesters crossed the walking path of the bridge, approaching Brooklyn near 5 PM. The final destination of the protest is unclear, though some protesters are moving back towards the bridge. At 5:30 PM, the crowds had thinned to several hundred, from several thousand earlier in the day. 

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