Millions embezzled in Mexico during Peña Nieto administration


Millions embezzled in Mexico during Peña Nieto administration
Fecha de publicación: 
15 February 2020
Imagen principal: 

Mexico, Feb 15 (Prensa Latina) Irregularities in projects worth 554 billion pesos (30.2 billion dollars) were detected during the government of President Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018), the Public Function reported.

The secretary of that institution, Irma Erendira Sandoval Ballesteros, noted in a communiqué that in 2019, irregularities were identified in projects carried out by that Government that generated more than 10,000 observations associated to that amount of embezzled money.

In a report from 2019, the federal official described the irregularities found during the execution of the budget as 'monumental and immoral'.

The communiqué adds that the amount executed with alleged irregularities is higher than the federal budget for the education and healthcare sectors altogether.

It explains that in 2019, the Public Function carried out nearly 3,400 inspections, more than 2,500 of which were audits that generated more than 10,000 observations.

The federal official mentioned emblematic cases such as the actions against former Pemex Fertilizantes Director Edgar Torres Garrido, due to irregularities in the purchase of the Fertinal group, in which he embezzled more than 3.8 billion pesos (210 million dollars) from the State.

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