'Mexico Won't Let the Caravan Pass' Guatemala's President Says


'Mexico Won't Let the Caravan Pass' Guatemala's President Says
Fecha de publicación: 
16 January 2020
Imagen principal: 

Mexican Foreign Ministry has not made any official comments on Giammattei's words.

Guatemala's President Alejandro Giammattei Wednesday revealed that Mexico's Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard told him that the Honduran migrants' caravan heading towards the United States would not be allowed to enter into Mexican territory.

RELATED: Honduran Migrant Caravan Repressed On Guatemala Border Crossing

"The Mexican government told us that they won't let it pass," Giammattei said, adding that they told him "they will do everything in their powers to stop it from passing."

So far the Mexican Foreign Ministry has not made any official comments on President Giammattei's specific remarks. 

Nevertheless, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) administration warned that it will not deliver safeguards so that the pilgrims can cross its territory to the U.S., although it will study the refuge requests of those seeking to stay in Mexican territory.

"Mexico is not simply a transit country," the Interior Secretary Olga Sanchez said.

If the caravan manages to cross the Honduras-Guatemala border, Mexico’s AMLO will face a big test: how will he respond to the exile of thousands fleeing poverty and violence? He claims to want a humanitarian approach toward migration but his record says otherwise. https://twitter.com...
The second & largest group of the #migrantcaravan left this morning on foot. Some say the 2020 caravan bigger than the first caravan, involving over 10,000 people but hard to get an estimate. #Honduras

In October 2018, thousands of Central American migrants, who were fleeing poverty and violence in their homelands, entered Mexico intending to reach U.S. territory.

Their caravans caused tensions between the Government of the United States and Mexico, especially in June 2019 when President Donald Trump threatened to impose tariffs on all Mexican products if Central American migration flows were not reduced.

Both countries reached an agreement whereby the AMLO administration deployed the National Guard on Mexico's border with Guatemala, which has reduced the flow of migrants by 60 percent over the last year.


"It is a country that opens its doors to people who want to enter and migrate to our country; however, in no way, we have transit visas."​​​​​​​

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