Argentina's 'Mothers' Cheer Cristina's Decision to Run as VP


Argentina's 'Mothers' Cheer Cristina's Decision to Run as VP
Fecha de publicación: 
18 May 2019
Imagen principal: 

"Cristina understood that the best thing for Argentines is for her to participate," said Ex-Senator of Buenos Aires and Minister of Education, Daniel Filmus.

The news that Argentina’s first female president, Cristina  Fernandez de Kirchner (CFK) would be running as vice president, spread quickly through the region and was received with great enthusiasm, generating responses from some of the most influential activists in the country, the Mothers of the Plaza.

RELATED: Ex-Argentine Leader Cristina Fernandez Announces VP Candidacy

In an official statement, the president of the Mothers of the Plaza organization, Hebe de Bonafini, wrote:

“We Mothers are very happy because, although we know that the future president will have a hard time rebuilding the country, Cristina will be by his side and by our side, giving the strength that is needed to get out of this horror and fright left by the current repressive government.”

On Saturday, Fernandez announced her entrance into the race for vice president in the upcoming October elections via a 12-minute video.

She will be accompanying presidential candidate Alberto Fernandez, also from the Justice Party and aligned with the Victory Front.

CFK said she made the decision because the "situation of the people and the country is dramatic." The current legislator added that she is "convinced" that she and Fernandez will be the "best formula for Argentina at this moment to summon the broadest political and social sectors."

Ex-Senator of Buenos Aires and Minister of Education, Daniel Filmus, said, "Cristina understood that the best thing for Argentines is for her to participate. Alberto is a thoughtful leader, when he was chief of staff he always sought to open the border of our political space."

(Alberto) Fernandez served as chief cabinet of ministers of Argentina under late President Nestor Kirchner and for CFK during her first year in office. He later aligned himself with current President Mauricio Macri. In the video, CFK says she has had her "differences" with Fernandez who she has known for 20 years, saying she knows they are both capable of reaching the widest possible consensus within the government.

The announcement comes as a surprise and a disappointment for many who, for the past year, had hoped the ex-leader would announce a presidential re-run.

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