Lopez Obrador Carries Out Field Work in the Lacandon Jungle of Mexico


Lopez Obrador Carries Out Field Work in the Lacandon Jungle of Mexico
Fecha de publicación: 
29 July 2018
Imagen principal: 

Mexican President-elect Andres Lopez Obrador is conducting field testing today and tomorrow in the Lacandon Jungle, Chiapas and the Usumacinta Basin, Tabasco, as part of his reforestation project in the country.

If I'm just in the office I'm going to go back to technocrat', he told the press on Friday from his transition office in Rome, in the south of the capital.

Lopez Obrador asked for understanding in order to have a propitious environment in his dialogue with peasants, producers and indigenous people, who could be inhibited by the presence of the media.

He noted that his rural research requires speaking frankly to the people in these areas.

The next president maintains his campaign proposal to plant one million hectares of fruit and timber trees during his six-year administration.

I know the region, but I'm going to go again with the technicians, with the people in charge of the program, so that we can define the type of trees on the ground, how much land is available, how much land is available for small properties, how much is communal and how much is common. Ask, consult, collect people's feelings,' he added.

The Lacandon Jungle or also called the'Desert of Solitude' is located in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. The region is populated by the Lacandon Mayan people, hence its name.

The Usumacinta is the largest river in Mexico and Central America, which originates in the highlands of the Sierra Madre, Guatemala, and flows into the Gulf of Mexico, through the state of Tabasco, homeland of Lopez Obrador.

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