Rohani to US: Choose Mother of All Peace or Mother of All Wars

Sunday was an agitated day for international relations, the Iranian Government and Washington have exchanged threats.
Sunday was an agitated day for international relations, with the Iranian Government and the Washington exchanging threats. Iran's President Hassan Rohani warned U.S. President Donald Trump not to "play with fire, or you will regret."
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"We are noble people and we have guaranteed in the history security of the Strait in the region," President Rohani said in the meeting with Iranian representatives in foreign countries. The remark references the sanctions imposed by the U.S. Government on Iran after the Trump Administration exited the deal, in May, which restricted Iran's nuclear activities.
The United States sanctioned Iran in a unilateral way and against the disapproval of the other countries that signed the agreement in 2015. France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Russia and China were parties to the agreement.
"Whenever the EU countries were on the verge of reaching an agreement with Iran, the White House would block the deal," President Rohani said, adding that "the Americans should come to realize that establishing peace with Iran is the mother of all peace and waging war with the country is mother of all wars," news agency IRNA reported.
These declarations were met by threatening responses from Washington.
President Trump wrote, in a tweet, to President Rohani "Never, ever threaten the United States again or you will suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before."
The U.S. leader added that they are a country that will not tolerate "words of violence and death."
RELATED: Iran, EU Decry Trump's Withdrawal from Nuclear Deal
While attending an event at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Center for Public Affairs in California, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the Iranian Government "resembles the mafia more than a government."
The U.S. Government's strategy to pressure Iran is based on a diplomatic campaign to impose financial sanctions mainly on its oil and energy sector.
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