Venezuela Rates Meeting on Dialogue as Excellent


Venezuela Rates Meeting on Dialogue as Excellent
Fecha de publicación: 
20 January 2017
Imagen principal: 

Caracas, Jan 20 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro rated a meeting that took place here with the international partners of Unasur and the Vatican to strengthen the dialogue process in the country as excellent.

Maduro made his remarks this morning in Twitter after meeting the Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), Ernesto Samper, in the Palace of Miraflores, in order to continue strengthening the momentum of dialogue between the National Government and opposition sectors.

The ex-presidents José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Leonel Fernández, Martín Torrijos, attended the meeting along with the Apostolic Nuncio, Aldo Giordano, who will be the representative of the Holy See in the talks.

Unasur issued a press release of the participants in the process restating the support and commitment to re-launch dialogues between both sectors.

In the document, they announced that they will present a plan to the Government and to the so-called Democratic Unity Board (MUD) aimed at re-launching the talks that are now facing a stage of stagnation due to the opposition's refusal to talk.

Samper said that the initiative to reactivate the dialogue contemplates the solution of different types of proposals and needs that Venezuelans have.

He added that in addition to the political part, the dialogue has to do with the solution of the social problems of Venezuelans with the different commissions.

The former Colombian president said that this process has already shown results and created spaces of confidence among political sectors, while announcing the interest of meeting with the opposition spokesmen today to convey to them the same concerns expressed to the government.

By its part, the government representative at the dialogue table, Jorge Rodríguez, ratified the support to the talks with the opposition sectors and stressed that the only possible path the government is committed to reach peace, is dialogue.

The mayor of Caracas also asked the opposition sectors to cease any violent action that generates destabilization and chaos in the nation, and to join again to the national dialogue.

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