Six Years After the Death of Chávez, Venezuela Defends itself with Courage

The world is a unique witness of a Venezuela challenged by imperial aggressions and still goes ahead with dignity. We will keep carrying the flag of the free peoples that raise their voice against the imperial meddling, said President Nicolas Maduro in Tweeter this Monday.
"Despite the media campaigns against Venezuela, we face with courage and rebelliousness the mean violations of the United States. We have the solidarity of the peoples of the world", he wrote.
That is the case of countries like China, Cuba, Bolivia, Iran and Turkey, among others that keep supporting Maduro’s Government. In addition, the Russian Prime Minister, Dmitri Medvedev, denounced early this week the resume on behalf of the United States of an open politics to bring down Latin American governments that are a nuisance to them, like in the case of Venezuela.
"From Washington are heard statements admitting a military intervention and provocations take place on the borders", said the Prime Minister, when commenting events that have occurred in the South American country.
Trump has found the support of some countries to military intervene in Venezuela using the "Monroe Doctrine" from 1823: "America for North Americans", that is, to them the entire Western Hemisphere belongs to the United States like a “backyard”.
On the other hand, Maduro has tirelessly denounced the inquisitional process of the world far-right against the Bolivarian Revolution with the objective of seizing the South American country and its resources at any cost necessary.
We just have to revise history to realize the great cut Washington wins in this dirty game. Let’s remember the excellent business it represented for the Power Elite in the United State and especially large companies, World War II.
As Jacques R. Pauwels explained brilliantly in his time, thanks to the victory in World War II, "the United States industry recovered intact its investments in Germany and captured the Nazi scientists and their technology."
Yankee companies took advantage of the opportunity and in 1945 they began to recreate the world with the American way.
Today, the Imperial Elite, trapped in domestic contradictions, at the threshold of the next elections, needs a successful military adventure as well as an enemy that raises the horror and hatred of manageable people: the Satanized "socialism."
Six years after Hugo Chavez's disappearance the best homage that Venezuelan can offer is to keep on building Socialism and keep his legacy alive with the unconditional support to President Nicolas Maduro, the leader for which they voted in elections in May of last year.
The people recognizes that those who were behind the coup-d’état of 2002 against Chávez are the same who at present attempt against this revolutionary government. Just like then, in less than 48 hours, they went on out in the streets and put Chávez again in his office, today they will defend their rightful and constitutional President because Venezuela belongs to Venezuelans.
Chávez closed his eyes on March 5th, 2013 but he opened the eyes of millions in Latin America. Nobody thinks he’s gone forever...
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