Trump: Scandalous resignation of his economic adviser


Trump: Scandalous resignation of his economic adviser
Fecha de publicación: 
14 March 2018
Imagen principal: 

Donald Trump tries to diminish the significance of a series of resignations of top White House officials.

When does he do so? Precisely this Tuesday following the uncomfortable resignation of Gary Cohn, his top economic adviser.

After rejecting the decision of the president to establish customs taxes on steel and aluminum.

Agence France-Press (AFP) news agency released a brief note from the official: "It has been an honor to serve my country and enact pro-growth economic policies to benefit of the American people".

Hours earlier, the president had denied the widespread version that the White House is chaotic under his administration, as well as adding "more staff will leave, as I seek perfection".

This Sunday he wrote on Twitter:

"The new Fake News narrative is that there is CHAOS in the White House Wrong! People always come and go, and I want strong dialogue before making a final decision".

He even added: "I still have some people that I want to change (always seeking perfection). There is no chaos, but tremendous energy!".

According to the Associated Press (AP) Donald Trump made his comments, as other news agencies claimed that the White House is being consumed again by dysfunction and disorder.

Last week, Trump made known that he would announce tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.

Meanwhile, White House communications director Hope Hicks announced her resignation abruptly.

News media reiterate the warning about the stay in their posts of relevant White House officials.

A stubborn reality does seem undeniable; at least, there are cracks in the team that accompanies the president in his moves.

Translated by Jorge Mesa Benjamin / Cubasi Translation Staff

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