Marco Rubio and his "Secret" Documents on the "Acoustic Attacks"

Last Saturday, visiting Cuba, the republican senator Jeff Flake affirmed that "U.S. authorities have not found evidence that the North American diplomats in Havana have been victims of attacks with an unknown weapon."
The member of the Foreign Relationships Commission of the Senate declared to AP news agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from the United States has told Cubans that after four trips to Cuba, their agents have not found evidence that the mysterious illnesses suffered by North American diplomats have been the result of attacks. However, the very president of the U.S., Donald Trump, classified the incident as an attack.
Likewise the Arizona senator asserted that “there is no evidence that somebody intentionally attempted to hurt anyone. Nobody is saying these people didn't experience some dysfunction, but there is no evidence that there was a deliberate attack perpetrated by somebody, either Cubans or someone else".
However, quickly in his twitter account the senator of Cuban origin, Marco Rubio, rejected the statement of his colleague. According to Rubio, Flake "knows very well that the method used in the attacks is still reviewed, but not the attack and the lesions they caused."
"It is a documented FACT that 24 officials of the United States government and their spouses were victims of some sort of sophisticated attack while living in Havana", tweeted Rubio.
In his opinion it’s impossible to "carry out 24 separate and sophisticated attacks" against U.S. government personnel without the Cuban officials knowing anything about it.
The documents Rubio mentions are apparently in his custody because they have never been seen by the Cuban part neither these documents have been presented to the “free” press of his country that keeps fueling the rumors and crazy versions on the topic.
It’s well known that what Marco Rubio says cannot be trusted. In October 2011 the senator was openly accused of liar by the newspaper St.Petersburg Times for using the political deceit that his parents of Cuban origin had arrived in Florida after the triumph of Fidel Castro, however, press reports revealed that the senator's parents had reached the United States in 1956, while Batista still ruled over Cuba. Rubio’s father was a barman and he traveled to the United States for economic reasons. Fidel Castro was not even in Cuba when Rubio’s family left the country.
But not everything is black and white and some truth must be behind Rubio’s tweets. His declarations confirm what some experts have already pointed out as a fact: that the invention of science fiction of allegedly acoustic attacks is a fiction within the sick minds of some members of the anti-Cuban mafia of Miami, and right now Rubio is their most active representative.
Anti-Cuban legislators from Miami show serious symptoms of "breakdown attacks" after president Obama, with the reestablishment of relationships with Cuba in December 2014, ruined the "arguments" that for decades have justified their involvement in the U.S. politics.
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