United States: Jungle or Hell?

After a large caravan of tear-moving events, a monstrous event took place in Las Vegas.
The largest city in the State of Nevada is one of the main domestic tourist destinations.
Two Associated Press (AP) journalists, Sally Ho and Regina García Cano wrote a chronicle on what happened.
Their introduction synthesizes the tragedy by saying, "a man kills dozens in concert in Las Vegas."
They say he fired from the 32nd floor of one of his hotels against an outdoor festivity where nearly 22 000 people attended.
Sally Ho and García Cano assessed it as "the worst shot slaughter in the modern history of the United States."
And they add, it turned the esplanade into a field of death from which there was not many options to escape."
With the result that, according to the first count, 58 deaths and near 515 wounded.
“I cannot get into the mind of a psychopath right now”, said the chief of police Lombard Joseph.
Assistants to the festival ran for their lives after interpreting the blasts as fireworks.
SWAT team agents entered the aggressor's room who had committed suicide.
His name, Stephen Craig Paddock, 64 years old, who had with him, at least, 17 firearms, including rifles.
Still some wonder how this person transferred that amount of weapons to the tourist hotel.
There was another detail. Who took claim for the attack? A terrorist gang, the self-proclaimed Islamic State.
Dozens of ambulances carried the wounded, while some people put the victims in their vehicles and took them to the hospital.
Some of the victims were bullet injured, others tramped by mob at moments of panic.
In a speech to the nation, President Donald Trump qualified the attack as "an act of pure evil".
He didn't mention the hairy issue of the free sale of weapons in several domestic stores, although he did ordered flags to be half mast high.
Before Sunday, the worst shooting had taken place by mid 2016 at a gay disco in Orlando, Florida, where 49 people died.
Looking at the new tragedy that took place in the United States, experts in the matter wonder the following:
Does this government have the face to demand something from others nations around the world?
Should not they perhaps start by establishing order at home before laying behavior guidelines to their neighbors?
This government harshly questions Havana and Caracas for their respective political, social and economic systems.
But not a word on the brutal influence of the National Rifle Association in their electoral processes.
Everybody knows that that multimillionaire organization throws millions of dollars to the two parties, in particular to the Republican Party.
They are plentiful and they already overflow the reasons that support a very justified question: In reality, what does it mean the United States today, A jungle or hell? The facts speak for themselves.
Amilkal Labañino Valdés / Cubasi Translation Staff
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