We are all Venezuela (I)


We are all Venezuela (I)
Fecha de publicación: 
20 September 2017
Imagen principal: 

Chavez’s followers are creative and decided to reach peace and life for Venezuela, our Latin America, and the world, as well as its great victory over the biggest and longest attacks from the U.S. and the right wing.

It is what you breathe as soon as you are here in this city, walking its streets and talking to its people in the parks and squares from the world’s capital against imperialism, and the construction of an alternative society.

The Bolivarian Revolution resisted firmly the 120-days siege of fascist violence amid the greatest media attack against a single country that we can remember in the ICT era. What’s more, the ferocious economic war was hardened even more after Trump’s latest sanctions. Contrary to its enemies’ interests, Chavism grew stronger as most of Venezuelans realized that violence, economic war, and the threat of a foreign intervention came mostly from the opposition side. It was stated in the more than eight million votes in favor of the National Constituent Assembly (NCA).

The NCA, few days after being set up, has gained prestige in the valuable work of government, institutional reordering, truth and justice, and law enforcement. Likewise, the opposition was soundly defeated and they are certainly demoralized and divided. The opposition followers feel now deceived since their leaders promised not stopping the riots unless the dictatorship ended, and they are now participating in regional elections.

This situation was made worse after President Nicolas Maduro and other pro-Chavez leaders denounced those opposition leaders —including Julio Borges, president of MUD, and even Leopoldo Lopez himself— have spent months exchanging viewpoints with the Bolivarian government.

There are irrefutable proofs of the talks: photos, recordings and also witnesses like the President of the Dominican Republic Hipolito Mejias, and former Spanish President Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, among other mediators accepted by the opposition.

The Venezuelan head of state aired these comments in his TV program Domingo con Maduro (Sunday with Maduro) dedicated to the paramount World Dialogue for Peace, Sovereignty, and Bolivarian Democracy, which has been in session in this city since September 17, with more than 200 delegates from 60 countries. This is a true sign of solidarity with Venezuela. Indeed, it was also a summit of solidarity with all the people fighting for their independence, sovereignty, embracing participatory democracy as Venezuela is today a world’s reference inspiring this sort of fight all around the world.

Evo Morales’ participation, as well as other popular organizations from Bolivia, provided a special significance to the event. This event has also scheduled a very interesting worldwide program in solidarity with Venezuela in 2018, emphasizing on the use of Internet and social networks. It is not about organizing new activities, but linking the solidarity with Venezuela with historical dates such as the 50th anniversary of Che Guevara’s death or the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution.

Quivering voices such as Ronald Lumumba’s, son of the great Congolese leader assassinated by the CIA; Sonia Gupta, general secretary of the All-India Peace and Solidarity Organization; Fernando Gonzalez Llort, one of the Cuban Five, and Brazilian Socorro Gomez, President of the World Peace Council raised to give full support to the Bolivarian Venezuela. Likewise, Venezuela felt the warm and sensitive support of all delegates by means of the Caracas Announcement and the Action Plan agreed after the debates held in the meeting.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Diaz / CubaSi Translation Staff

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