Trump: Changes in the Politics Toward Cuba?


Trump: Changes in the Politics Toward Cuba?
Fecha de publicación: 
6 June 2017
Imagen principal: 

An EFE article originated in Miami published this Monday hinted that the possibility is close.

However, they write “is yet to be seen”, if he will make significant changes or he will choose to make symbolic retouches.

That is, in comparison with the opening politics boosted by Barack Obama since December 2014 towards Cuba.

The article remembers that the U.S. National Security Council, in charge of that promised revision, will present several variants to the leader.  

The news agency doesn't discard an announcement on this regard in Miami, and sees it as “a wink to the anti-Castro sector that has pressed him more on the subject.”

On the same article they quote several sources to consider that the White House could cut business of North American companies with entities related with the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces.

Also to strengthen travelling restrictions of North American citizens to Havana.

“But nothing is final”, assures, until Trump, well known for his inconstant character, makes a decision on the subject.

As to give more hints on the true approach, they emphasizes that it doesn't seem on the top of the list, neither for his political agenda nor his geostrategic interests.

Barely a year ago, MiamiDiario highlighted that Trump said in an interview that he would not care opening a hotel in Cuba.

During the primary elections of the Republican Party he even showed a favorable attitude to the opening with the island.

Outside those scenarios, he remarked, he slowly approached those hard anti-Castro followers “in search of votes in Florida.”

He promised them “to revoke” Obama’s measures, if Cuba doesn't return the liberties to its citizens.

All in all the White House says to prioritize human rights when it revises its behavior towards Havana.

However, what prevails in the current Cuban-American ties? Uncertainty.

From Washington, academics and other specialists insist that is yet to be seen if Trump’s actions meet the heights of his hard speech-making.

Likewise in Washington’s main official circles “nobody seems to encourage a rupture of the two-year-old bilateral agreements.”

One of the streaks that interest more the revision of the North American politics toward Cuba revolves around the squabbles between the State Departments and Agriculture Department.

His “veterans”-as his press calls them - defend to maintain the statuo quo and the strategists at the White House to keep Trump’s electoral promise.

The far-right republican congress members Marco Rubio and Mario Díaz-Balart have outstood during the debate.

“I am sure that the president will keep his promise and he will make selective changes that help the political and economic freedom", of Cuba, declared Rubio.

Trump, adds speculations, he could hinder the business of airlines and cruises that already have itineraries to Havana.

It’s impossible to foretell what will happen, especially when a North American

re-colonizing plan is in motion in Latin America.

However, it can’t be ignored the gradual recovery of the mass movements in the area, there are the examples of Brazil and Argentina.

Ecuador corroborates the validity of progressive forces capable of facing and dismantling large stratagems from the U.S.  

Rejecting the progress attained so far in the Cuba - U.S. relations, is not a simple task.

Especially when figures like Nicolás Maduro, Evo Morales, Rafael Correa, Cristina Fernández, Lula, Dilma and others remain active. All of them supported by the presence of Raúl Castro and the legacy of Cuba and Fidel.

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