Florida-Venezuela: Unmasked fanatics


Florida-Venezuela: Unmasked fanatics
Fecha de publicación: 
9 May 2017
Imagen principal: 

The Florida governor, Rick Scott, confirmed that the US does have close links with Venezuela’s extreme right.

A well-known secret has come out to light with the fierce support of multimillionaire Scott to “violent citizens” of the aforementioned country.

Johanna A. Alvarez, journalist from El Nuevo Herald, reported that he is going to attend a rally in Miami to “demand the freeing of Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez.”

Just over three years ago, Lopez led violent actions that caused deaths, injured people, and several material damages.

The new show is now labeled Freedom Rally and, intriguingly, it was convened at a local restaurant from the city of Doral.

According to what is announced, Scott would grant his recognition to Carlos Vecchio, coordinator in the so-called Partido Voluntad Popular (Party of People’s Will), who will receive it on behalf of Lopez.

El Nuevo Herald reported that talking about Venezuela’s situation is not new for the Florida governor, especially in Leopoldo Lopez’s case.

In late March, he had written that Venezuela was forced to release him, but he did not mention any of his crimes.

Recently, El Herald and other extreme-right media published:

During the rally in Miami, Governor Scott will grant the Freedom Award 2017 to Leopoldo Lopez, who has been world news due to “his unknown health status.”

Later, it was spread the news Lopez was very sick in jail, but it was immediately refuted by a video.

The video showed Lopez was very healthy and he claimed not to understand why he must give proof of life at that time.”

His wife, Lilian Tintori, and his mother Antonieta Mendoza, saw him on Sunday and talked to him during a familiar visit.

El Herald recalled he was sentenced to almost 14 years in 2014 for inciting to violence during the extreme-right riots that year.

It was now reported that Governor Rick Scott would lead a rally supporting Venezuelan opposition leader and those who protest against President Nicolas Maduro.

Florida’s newspaper Orlando Sentinel helped to detail better the fierce enemy of Venezuela.

The newspaper published that on December 23rd, 2014, Spanish news agency EFE revealed that Scott invested around 70 millions USD by the end of his electoral campaign in 2010.

He was, by then, backed by the Neo-Nazi party Tea Party.

It is very intriguing that EFE did not notice such fact.

It all happens when Washington is releasing the allocation of some millions USD for its sacred “Venezuelan opposition.”

So predators from the Oval Office in the White House hide their masks and decided to react without traces of morality.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Diaz / Cubasi Translation Staff

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